Basic Understanding of HBase

In this post, I am keeping some bullet points which consists of frequently used terms (in blue color) in HBase. So, it will give you an overall idea of HBase.

  • HBase is a NoSQL column-oriented database. Columns in HBase table are grouped into column families. HBase table contains one or more column families. Each row in a table identified by row key. Each column is identified by a qualifying name i.e Column Family Name + Column Name.
  • Row keys are unique in a Table and are always treated as a byte[].
  • There’s no design-time way to specify row keys.
  • HBase is an open-source implementation of Google’s Big Table architecture.
  • HBase is schema-less.
  • HBase tables are broken up into horizontal partitions called regions. Regions are subset of the table’s data as collection of rows and distributed across HDFS DataNodes.

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